I was feeling inspired and riffed on #75 and #96 to render the kit repo's discussions in kit.
I've also been meaning to play around (also see procrastinating) with graphql, and since I couldn't find a REST API for Github's discussions, writing this script was a good intro :)
to hit 0 external dependenciese.g.
![]() |
![]() |
March 25th appearing as 6 days ago | March 25th appearing as 7 days ago |
// Menu: Kit Discusssions// Description: View Kit Discussions// Author: Zach Zeleznick// Twitter: @zzxivconst {focusTab} = await kit('chrome')// const humanizeDuration = await npm('humanize-duration')const emojisDB = db("emojis", { emojis: {} });const emojisRef = emojisDB.get("emojis");const categoriesDB = db("kit-discussions", { categories: [] });const categoriesRef = categoriesDB.get("categories");const githubURL = "https://api.github.com/graphql";let token = env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN;if (!token) {const element = `<div class="flex flex-col justify-center"><div><a href="https://github.com/settings/tokens/new">Create a token</a> with "public_repo" enabled.</div><br><div>Then, copy + paste the token above or set <code>GITHUB_REPO_TOKEN</code> inside <code>~/.kenv/.env</code></div></div>`token = await env("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN", {info: `Create and enter your personal access token`,choices: element,});}const fetchEmojis = async () => {// Could install and use as an npm package, but we just need a k-v map ...const emojiURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/omnidan/node-emoji/master/lib/emoji.json';const response = await get(emojiURL);const emojis = response.data;// console.log(JSON.stringify(emojis, null, 2));emojisDB.set("emojis", emojis).write();}const setupEmojis = async () => {const emojis = emojisRef.value();if (!emojis || !Object.keys(emojis).length) {await fetchEmojis()}return emojis}const lookupEmoji = (key) => {const emojis = emojisRef.value();return emojis[key.slice(1, key.length - 1)]}const config = {headers: {"Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`,"GraphQL-Features": "discussions_api",}}const categoriesQuery = `query {repository(owner: "johnlindquist", name: "kit") {discussionCategories(first: 10) {# type: DiscussionConnectiontotalCount # Int!nodes {id,name,emoji,# emojiHTML,description,}}}}`const fetchCategories = async () => {let response;try {response = await post(githubURL,{query: categoriesQuery},config);}catch (err) {console.warn("fetchCategories failed:", err);return}const graphqlResponse = response.data;// console.log(JSON.stringify(categories, null, 2));const {data: {repository: {discussionCategories: {totalCount,nodes}}}} = graphqlResponse;categoriesDB.set("categories", nodes).write();}const setupCategories = async () => {const categories = categoriesRef.value();if (!categories || !categories.length) {await fetchCategories()}return categories}// NOTE: can use `categoryId` in discussions query// to limit results or could just fetch all and filterconst discussionInnerQuery = `# type: DiscussionConnectiontotalCount # Int!nodes {# type: Discussionid,title,# bodyText,createdAt,resourcePath,category {id,name,emoji,},author {login,# avatarUrl,}}`const allDiscussionsQuery = `query {repository(owner: "johnlindquist", name: "kit") {discussions(first: 10, orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT,direction: DESC,}) {${discussionInnerQuery}}}}`const buildCategoryQuery = (categoryId) => `query {repository(owner: "johnlindquist", name: "kit") {discussions(first: 10, categoryId: "${categoryId}", orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT,direction: DESC,}) {${discussionInnerQuery}}}}`const fetchDiscussions = async (categoryId = "") => {let response;const query = categoryId ? buildCategoryQuery(categoryId) : allDiscussionsQuery;try {response = await post(githubURL,{query,},config);}catch (err) {console.warn("fetchDiscussions failed:", err);return}const {data, errors } = response.data;if (errors) {console.warn("fetchDiscussions errors:", errors);// todo: handle errors}const {repository: {discussions: {totalCount,nodes}}} = data;// console.log(JSON.stringify(nodes, null, 2));return nodes;}const allDiscussions = async () => await fetchDiscussions();const buildHtml = ({emoji}) => {const glyph = lookupEmoji(emoji)return `<div class="flex justify-center"><div> ${glyph} </div></div>`}const humanizeDuration = (duration) => {// intend to mirror `humanizeDuration(duration, { round: true, largest: 1 })`// note that 36 hours (1.5 days) would round to 2 days which isn't always the goal// e.g.// '2021-03-30T06:00:00Z' <> '2021-03-31T18:00:00Z' 36 hours, expect 1 vs 2// '2021-03-30T18:00:00Z' <> '2021-04-01T06:00:00Z' 36 hours, expect 2const components = {"seconds": 1000,"minutes": 60000,"hours": 3600000,"days": 86400000,}const units = Object.keys(components);for (let i = units.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {let unit = units[i];const divisor = components[unit];const val = duration / divisor;const fval = Math.floor(val);const rval = Math.round(val);if (fval === 0) {continue}unit = rval === 1 ? unit.slice(0, unit.length -1) : unit;return `${rval} ${unit}`}}const humanizeTime = (createdAt, fakeTime) => {const then = new Date(createdAt);const now = fakeTime ? new Date(fakeTime) : new Date();let duration = now - then; // implicitly calls getTime();// NOTE: Github UI rounds (so this interesting)if (duration > 86400000) { // handle rounding case for daysconst loffset = (then.getHours() - 12) * 3600000;const roffset = (12 - now.getHours()) * 3600000;duration = duration + loffset + roffset;}if (duration < 2592000000) { // within 30 days (in ms)return `${humanizeDuration(duration)} ago`;}const sameYear = now.getYear() === then.getYear();const timeZone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;const options = { timeZone, year: sameYear ? undefined : 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' };return `on ${then.toLocaleDateString('en-US', options)}`}const buildChoice = (node) => {const {title,resourcePath,createdAt,category: {name,emoji,},author: {login},} = node;const url = `https://github.com${resourcePath}`const description = `${login} created ${humanizeTime(createdAt)} in ${name}`const html = buildHtml({emoji})return {name: title,value: url,description,html,}}const showCategory = async (categoryId) => {const nodes = await fetchDiscussions(categoryId);const choices = nodes.map(buildChoice);const selectedIssue = await arg("Search discussions:", choices);focusTab(selectedIssue);}const buildTabs = async () => {const categories = await setupCategories();let tabs = [ {name: "All",method: showCategory}];categories.map(({name, id}) => {tabs.push( { name, method: async () => await showCategory(id) } )});tabs.map(({name, method}) => {onTab(name, method);});}await setupEmojis();buildTabs();