by Zac Jones
</details>const fs = await npm("fs");const plantName = await arg("Enter a plant name:");const potSize = await arg("Enter pot size: ");const shotType = await arg("Is this product or detail?", ["product", "detail"]);const photos = await drop("Drop your images");console.log(photos);let renamePhotoToDirectory = (path, plantName) => {// going to be a env variablelet targetDirectory = "/Users/zac/Desktop/photops/photos";let photoPath = `${targetDirectory}/${plantName}`;fs.rename(path, photoPath, (err) => {if (err) return console.log("there was an error: ", err);console.log("selectedFiles renamed");});};photos.map((plant, index) => {if (shotType === "detail") {renamePhotoToDirectory(plant.path,`${plantName}Detail${potSize}_${index + 1}.png`);} else {renamePhotoToDirectory(plant.path, `${plantName}${potSize}_${index + 1}.png`);}});