by Chris Laughlin
// Shortcut: opt tlet Twitter = await npm('twitter-lite');let Sent = await npm('sentiment');let envOptions = {hint: md(`You need to [create an app]( to get these keys/tokens`,),ignoreBlur: true,secret: true,}let client = new Twitter({consumer_key: await env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY', envOptions),consumer_secret: await env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET', envOptions),access_token_key: await env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY', envOptions),access_token_secret: await env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET', envOptions),});const sentiment = new Sent();let tweet = await arg("what's on your mind?");const { score } = sentiment.analyze(tweet);const isNeg = score < 0;let shouldPost = await arg("Thats a little 🧂y", [{ name: "yeah I know sean anyway", value: true },{name: "oh yeah don't post that", value: false },])if (shouldPost) {await'statuses/update', {status: `Random thought: ${tweet}`,}).catch(error => console.log(error));}